The Manifesto

On this day, we hereby lay bare the intentions and motivations behind Midnight Gonzo.

This is a manifesto. A call to arms for the like-minds.

Midnight Gonzo is a part of you.
It’s the part that cackles at misfortune, because it’s gonna be a good story.
Who has strong, instinctual, and misinformed opinions.
It’s the hangover.
The layover.
The time killer and the oyster shucker.
It tries whatever that thing is on its plate.
It says yes when the body says no.
The hang nail.
The cigarette break.
The part that yearns to wear sunglasses indoors.
That finds itself saying what the fuck am I doing here?
That misuses the; semi-colon,
and winces at the 9-5 work week.

In the sprawling cityscape of the internet, you find Midnight Gonzo just off the motorway.

Halfway between the good and bad parts of town.

Equidistant from a Pret and a needle exchange.

It’s a dive bar with tables so sticky you hear a slrrrp as you peel your arm away.

A hot pink neon hangs above the empty bar, buzzing; More Tequila, Less Tranquila - and people steal photos of it for their socials because; huh, that’s pretty cool and it aligns with their intended aesthetic.

Locals pass by the place and wonder how the hell it makes any money.

They never see anybody in there.

It must be a Mafia front.

But the locals, they go to bed on a school night. They have careers and families and nightmares.

The punters of Midnight Gonzo are sun-rise regulars. They are dreamers of the day.

Midnight Gonzo is at the fringe of things and shall remain forever there.

Not quite a journal, never quite a blog. It’s a sharing of insights and anecdotes.

A place for all to retreat when the social feeds have run dry and the YouTube algorithm starts spitting Ben Shapiro videos at you because this one time you accidentally clicked on a Ben Shapiro video.

Up with nuisance, down with nuance.

Subtle things wither and die. This is broad stroke gonzo-something.

Picasso, not Rembrandt.

There is no other intention here than to make you exhale audibly through both nostrils as you’re struck by an amusing one-two word combo.

It exists only to help you fill the space between one thing and something else.

And it casts a simple mantra upon all who read here;

Be more gonzo.



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